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Your donation assists the StudentCPT in promoting and advancing ethics and leadership in education.

Contact Information


NASBA Center for Public Trust
150 Fourth Avenue N., Ste 700
Nashville, TN 37219

Award Criteria

Nominees will be considered on the following criteria:

    1. Is either a student currently enrolled in classes on campus, or holds any faculty position on campus.
    2. Has shown exemplary conduct with students, faculty and the community.
    3. Has taken the lead or provided significant support to ethical practices or programs on campus.
    4. Exhibits personal values and actions that demonstrate integrity and ethics.
    5. Has faced a recent challenge and overcome it with integrity, or taken other recent steps to show commitment to ethics.
    6. Has taken the lead or supported efforts emphasizing strong ethics and leadership development.

      Review Nomination Questions – Student

        Please provide specific examples of the nominee’s commitment to and support of practicing high standards of ethical leadership.

        1. How does the nominee exemplify leadership on campus and in other environments?
        2. How does the nominee exhibit the use of ethical principals in his or her daily life?
        3. Why is the nominee deserving of the Campus Being a Difference Award?
        4. How is the nominee Being a Difference?
        5. Please share any additional information you believe to be relevant about the nominee.

          Review Nomination Questions – Faculty

            Please provide specific examples of the nominee’s commitment to and support of practicing high standards of ethical leadership.

            1. How does the nominee exemplify leadership on campus and in other environments?
            2. How does the nominee exhibit ethical leadership in his or her role on campus?
            3. Why is the nominee deserving of the Campus Being a Difference Award?
            4. How is the nominee Being a Difference?
            5. Please share any additional information you believe to be relevant about the nominee.

              Submit Your Nominations

                *The nomination submission deadline is April 1. Please allow three weeks for the certificates to be delivered to you.

                Questions? Send an email to [email protected].


                 The Award

                Award Criteria
                Review Questions – Student
                Review Questions – Faculty